Moms & Dads Life Groups

In This For Life Virtual Volunteers, Inc. believes in saving unborn babies and providing positive programs that enrich the life of under served parents at zero cost to participants.  We believe in the sanctity of human life and support life in the womb and after birth through our positive family programs.

Our Moms and Dads Life Groups are for parents with unborn to kindergarten age children or youth (age 12 to 17) enrolled in our Boys & Girls Confidence Academy.

Parents meet online for mentoring that helps slay parenting challenges, extends unconditional grace, and celebrates life victories.  Parents also qualify to submit a monthly request for baby supplies.

Moms & Dads

Life Groups

Our Life Groups for moms and dads provides an encouraging online community for expecting and new moms and dads to share their common experiences, walk the parenting journey with friends, and receive positive feedback and support. Parents are eligible to receive baby supplies and participate in a monthly drawing.  Moms meet weekly and dads meet monthly.