Thank you for supporting our Virtual Masquerade Party & Fundraiser on Saturday, November 14, 2020!

We masked up in unity for "Pro-Abundant Life!" 

Enjoy our "Parade of Masks"! 

Go to and post your "Masked Up For Pro-Abundant Life " 

picture to join the parade!

Psalms 82:3 states, "Defend the poor and fatherless;  Do justice to the afflicted and needy."

When you think of putting on a mask, you may think of comic book heroes.  However, In This For Life thinks about the greatest biblical hero Jesus Christ who made the ultimate sacrifice on the cross at Calvary so that we can enjoy life more abundantly.   We also think about In This For Life Volunteer Heroes and generous donors like you who continue to support our vision to provide enriching family programs that instill purpose, ability, and a value for life in moms, dads, and youth to prevent abortions.  Our goal is to PREVENT through mentoring, PROTECT moms and dads in crisis due to an unplanned pregnancy by providing resources to crisis pregnancy center community partners and provide unconditional LOVE. (L = Listen & Learn, O = Offer Options, V = Vision Possible Mentoring, E = Empower People for Life)  It's not too late to DONATE! 

Go to and help us continue offering our free programs, resources, and services.  STAY TUNED for the "Watch Party" replay of the Virtual Masquerade Party & Fundraiser! 

Thank you 

Virtual Table Sponsors!

Additional $50 Donors:

Loaves & Fishes Ministries, Inc.

Berreth Family

McFadden Family

Woolbright Family