Our Story
On March 27, 2020, Wilma J. Williams found herself surrounded by Board Members that delivered unexpected news. The Board was indefinitely closing the pregnancy center where she was serving as the Director due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Wilma did not want moms to feel abandoned without support during the 2020 worldwide pandemic that required many Americans to shelter in place. Wilma had experienced the pain and anxiety of being abandoned when she discovered that she was pregnant and was rejected by members of her family as well as her baby's father. This memory immediately inspired Wilma into action.
Wilma knew before the meeting ended that God was calling her to serve beyond her current assignment. Therefore, Wilma immediately started volunteering to help pregnancy centers remaining open implement virtual services and digital forms. Wilma's local pregnancy center assignment ended, but her passion for saving babies and mentoring moms and youth was ignited by her sudden unemployment status.
Wilma reached out to a faithful friend and Board Member for her Texas girls mentoring organization and shared her new vision to support life in the womb through high school graduation. She received the funds needed to incorporate In This For Life Virtual Volunteers. Loaves & Fishes Ministries, Inc. was the organization's first community partner in Palm Coast, FL. With the support of Loaves & Fishes Ministries, the first Moms Life Group started online on Wednesday, 4/8/2020. The first requests for baby supplies were delivered to moms in May 2020. On 6/23/2020, Wilma cut her first umbilical cord for a new born baby whose mom chose life. In July 2020, the organization experienced its first international event as a Virtual Pizza Party for program participants and volunteers. By August 2020, the organization provided information and referrals to local pregnancy centers for two moms who chose life in the United States of America and Barbados.
Wilma believes that no mom should be abandoned, alone, or forced to have an abortion out of hopelessness or the fear of financial struggle. Recognizing an immediate need to serve overwhelmed and emotionally fragile moms in her community and globally, Wilma incorporated In This For Life Virtual Volunteers, Inc. as a Florida nonprofit organization on April 1, 2020.

Wilma J. Williams, Founder

Established on April 1 2020